Monday, September 12, 2005

Update from Kagarlyk [Ukraine]

Greetings from Ukraine!

Summer ended last week and the weather got cold, but the good news is that it warmed back up and is sunny and beautiful! Kids are back in school, vacations are over, and for most people here in Ukraine life is getting back into its routine.

Liese and I took a little vacation last week and went to visit friends in the cities of Nezhyn and Chernigov. We spent a couple days in each city and it was really good to spend more than just a few hours with our friends. It was also encouraging to see the churches in those places and how people are growing in the Lord.

A couple weeks ago I did my first sermon in Russian. Everyone who can translate had gone on vacation so I was left to fend for myself. Liese said it was good, but I don't know. I still need about 6 hours to prepare to teach in Russian on top of my study time, but I'm going to be trying more and more to make the time to do it. Also I'm going to be looking for a Russian tutor to help Liese and I step up to the next level of grammar.

Liese is still leading worship twice a month, and I'm helping out playing guitar once a month. I looked back over the summer and realized that I played guitar more Sundays than I didn't play, so I'm looking forward to being the "backup" guitar player again. On Saturday we are going to have kind of worship retreat day. Everyone in the church who is involved in worship is going to get together for prayer and bible study. We want it to be a time to seek God's direction for us as individuals on the worship team, for us as a team, and for us as a church as relates to worship. Please pray that it would be an encouraging time for us all, that God would speak to us and renew our zeal to worship Him in Spirit and in Truth.

Thank you for your prayers, and thank you for being a part of our ministry here in Ukraine. May God bless you and keep you,
Daniel and Annaliese Foote