Saturday, November 18, 2006

News from Jake and Anya

Hi Folks,

Just wanted to let everyone know that our daughter was born earlier this morning at 1:42 am, weighing 3.5 kg (7.7 lbs) and standing 54 cm (21.25 inches) tall.

Anya and I are full of joy and thank you all for your prayers!

You can check out some photos of her at:

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

News from Kagarlyk


Fall has turned into winter here in Ukraine. Snow has come and gone twice and the days are short and grey. But it still is not very cold and it's hard to complain after such a nice autumn.

As the ministries in our church are growing and moving forward we've seen that we need to be a lot more organized as a church. Everyone in the church has felt it over the last year but hasn't known how to go about it. Last month I started initiating some organization, much to everyone's delight, and I've been busy ever since helping the church get and stay organized.

I've also been going over all the video footages we shot over this last year to put together a dvd for our supporting churches and a dvd for Wayne that will communicate the vision of Calvary Chapel Kagarlyk and what God has been doing over the last couple years. Up till this year I've never really done anything with video but it seems to have been a good thing this year to show our church what each ministry is doing, and to show churches in America and Australia as well. Last week we had lunch with Jake and Anya Knotts (our friends who started a church in the city of Chernigov) and Jake was telling me about the possibilities of getting airtime on local TV. The TV station in Chernigov actually approached him and asked if he would like to do something for their channel. Jake asked me if I would be interested in helping him produce some short videos to air on local TV and of course I said yes. So we are praying about getting the right equipment to for everything and maybe in the next year we'll be able to produce a few short videos that can communicate the gospel on local TV. These videos would be useful not only in Chernigov but here in Kagarlyk and anywhere that we can buy or get permission to use some airtime.

Over this last month Liese and I were able to visit the churches in Priluki and Chernigov. I got to share a few minutes at the church service in Priluki and I taught the midweek bible study in Chernigov. We had a really good time in both churches and it was really good to "catch up" with all our old friends in Priluki. We want to continue to visit these churches to encourage them, foster relationships between the churches, and to keep the relationships that we have built with them over the last 5 years.

We are planning our yearly trip to America and we got our tickets last week. We will be in Arroyo Grande from December 14th until the beginning of January when we'll go to to Calvary Chapel Missions Conference in Murrieta. Then we'll go up to Yuba City and spend about 3 weeks up there and then a couple more weeks in Arroyo Grande. We are still not sure about when we will be at which church but we'll write again to let you know. We hope to see as many of you as we can. Write us or call us or something and we'll make sure that we get together. See you soon,

Daniel and Annaliese Foote


Saturday, November 11, 2006

Mandy's Blog

Mandy Stewart, who is serving as a campus missionary in Texas, has a blog!

Check it out:

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Updates 11/07/06 (Tom Stowe)

Hello to everyone back in the states. I hope everything is well. Life in Brazil is good. It has gotten much more routine here which is both good and bad. Routine is good because it allows you to anticpate things during your week and prepare better for them. But you never want to be completely into a routine, because you can get lazy and too comfortable.

Our church is doing pretty well here. We (Pastor David and I) are just praying that the believers that we have right now in our church will be strengthened and grow up more in the Lord; we want to see Pastors and missionaries raised up from our church. But we feel that for that to happen, we really need to focus our attention on the lives our members and give them all we have to offer, as little as it may be. If we are faithful in this, we believe the Lord will raise up leaders to be sent out and spread Bible teaching churches and ministries all over the country. That is my goal, hope and vision for my life down here in Brazil: to see leaders raised up and send out all over the country, multipling disciples everywhere.

So here's the question to you: what are you doing to help raiase up disciples where you live? Pray and ask the Lord for wisdom in this, for both you and us here!

In Christ,

Monday, November 06, 2006

Fall in Texas (Mandy and Eli update)

Greetings Friends and Family:

We hope you are doing well & are enjoying your fall wherever this may find you.

This fall has been wonderful. In a sense you can say we have truly experienced a Fall Harvest. We’ve had many wonderful friends come share and speak to our group. It was started off with Winkey Pratney, in October, and then we had a traveling missions team to come share with us at our annual missions summit for three days. Last week, one our dear friends, John Koeshall, who has served as a missionary for almost thirty years to European students and all over the world, came to be with us. It was a sweet, encouraging time for our students as well as for me personally. I felt incredibly affirmed and encouraged in all that the Lord has called us to here and in our lives.

Now the testing……begins. We’ve had such an incredible and challenging time of teaching and encouragement this past month, please pray that over these next weeks, our students would walk forward and take to heart all that we’ve been taught and heard. Pray specifically for a deep inward walk, that they would shore up deep roots in the Lord, that when testing comes they would endure, and character would be strengthened!

This past week, we have had our wonderful friends and supporters, Mark & Gwen, here visiting. We have had a good time together, and it's been neat for them to see all that they support and pray for each month.

My family is coming for Thanksgiving; please pray for our time and fellowship together. I am eager to have a taste of home here in Texas.

Eli & I are doing well. We will have lived here for one year December 15th, and we can hardly believe all that the Lord has let us be apart of here.

Pray for:

* Continued favor and time with our friends here that true discipleship would happen daily.

* Pray for the guys and girls that Eli & I spend time with each week, that we would have wisdom and favor with them and that our friendships would continue to grow in great ways.

Mandy & Eli

Sunday, November 05, 2006

October/November news

Greetings everybody,

Sorry for the delayed newsletter. I have spent most of the past month without my computer due to some repairs that had to be done and my many travels. The good news is things are going well and although it is already below freezing outside, our apartment is warm!!! I've yet to live in a warm apartment in Ukraine, so I'm very excited. This will be a quick note to fill you guys in on the past month and let you know what is happening this coming month.

Conference: Thank you for praying for the regional conference that we hosted. God really blessed our time together as we were able to just spend time together as friends and churches hearing from God's word, worshiping, playing games, and just hanging out. Everybody was greatly encouraged to gather together and catch up. It was so much fun to be with the Priluki church again as I miss them so much. Reenie and I are planning on going down this next month to spend a couple days with them and be encouraged by what God is doing in the church down there.

Kids Club: "Krepast" (Castle) Kids Club is going great. Every week new kids are coming and we have even begun to bring a few of the internaught kids every week. Last week we hosted a Kids Club with an English speaking twist. We did it in English for kids that study English in schools and want to learn and practice speaking. Since we have so many college students in the church who are majoring in the English Language, there were plenty of helpers and we filled our little church with little kids speaking English. Even a couple moms came and stayed which is what we have really been hoping for. Please pray that the kids that came last week would come this week to our normal Kids Club that is done in Russian/Ukrainian. Please continue to pray for Oksana, Mira, Anya, and Vova as they take part in teaching the Bible and using their gifts to serve the kids at the club.

Internaught: God is raising up a group to go every Sunday to the internaught. There are about 15 kids that come to Bible Study and there are more people in the church who God is leading to go there and love these kids. Pray that God would give wisdom to those leading that many children would come to know and trust in Jesus.

Up and Coming: Please pray for Jake and Anya as they have headed to Kiev to have their first baby, Maya. Pray for us as we seek to have a 4 week Women's Bible Study series for the many young women in our church regarding the issues they are facing.
Travels - please pray for us as we travel to Priluki to spend time with the church there. Pray also for my language studies with my friend/teacher Tanya that I would progress in my skills. Thank you so much for your prayers. Things are going really well and I am so excited about what God is doing in and through our church here.

God bless you all.

Chris Zurbach