Monday, November 06, 2006

Fall in Texas (Mandy and Eli update)

Greetings Friends and Family:

We hope you are doing well & are enjoying your fall wherever this may find you.

This fall has been wonderful. In a sense you can say we have truly experienced a Fall Harvest. We’ve had many wonderful friends come share and speak to our group. It was started off with Winkey Pratney, in October, and then we had a traveling missions team to come share with us at our annual missions summit for three days. Last week, one our dear friends, John Koeshall, who has served as a missionary for almost thirty years to European students and all over the world, came to be with us. It was a sweet, encouraging time for our students as well as for me personally. I felt incredibly affirmed and encouraged in all that the Lord has called us to here and in our lives.

Now the testing……begins. We’ve had such an incredible and challenging time of teaching and encouragement this past month, please pray that over these next weeks, our students would walk forward and take to heart all that we’ve been taught and heard. Pray specifically for a deep inward walk, that they would shore up deep roots in the Lord, that when testing comes they would endure, and character would be strengthened!

This past week, we have had our wonderful friends and supporters, Mark & Gwen, here visiting. We have had a good time together, and it's been neat for them to see all that they support and pray for each month.

My family is coming for Thanksgiving; please pray for our time and fellowship together. I am eager to have a taste of home here in Texas.

Eli & I are doing well. We will have lived here for one year December 15th, and we can hardly believe all that the Lord has let us be apart of here.

Pray for:

* Continued favor and time with our friends here that true discipleship would happen daily.

* Pray for the guys and girls that Eli & I spend time with each week, that we would have wisdom and favor with them and that our friendships would continue to grow in great ways.

Mandy & Eli

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