Saturday, December 17, 2005

news from the Footes in Kagarlyk

Greetings from Ukraine!

Life has been moving along at its usual pace here in Kagarlyk, Ukraine. The church has been growing as more people who are working at the mushroom farm are coming to church and beginning to seek God. A few have given their lives to Jesus and are learning to live in Him. Nearly all have seen such a difference in the people around them who are believers that they are bringing their friends and family to the job site to ask if they can come and work. Please pray for salvation for all who are coming to work at the mushroom farm.

A few weeks ago the guitar player in the worship team broke his finger and is out for six weeks. So I've been playing guitar more for worship. Another girl (her name is Tanya) who I've been having play with me once in a while, has decided to help and she and I are switching off this month playing every other Sunday. God is answering our prayers for the worship team that they would begin to have a desire to do more than sing and play, that they would desire to lead. Tanya is not that great of a guitar player but is is a talented musician and she is seeing that God will use her if she is willing to step up and be used.

We are planning our yearly trip to America. We've got our dates set and our plane tickets bought. We will be in America from January 10th - February 25th. We will spend the first bit of time up in Yuba City and we will be most likely be sharing in Calvary Gridley on Sunday the 15th. Then we'll head down to the central coast around the 1st of February. Our only confirmed speaking date is February 12th at Calvary SLO. Thank you for your prayers we hope to see you while we are in America,

Daniel and Annaliese Foote

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Jakes big news!

Hi folks, just wanted to let you all know that I am getting married. Anya has been one of my best friends for over 5 years now and it just so happened that we fell in love. I met her on my first trip to Ukraine back in 99 back when I spent a summer here. She of course didn’t want anything to do with me back then, I was a loud American teenager. After I returned to Ukraine in 2000 Anya became a good friend as she would come out on the weekends to Priluki to help out in the church (she is a great translator, speaks better English than I do). Then she moved to Priluki after finishing school and not too long after we moved to Chernigov together with a few others. So, I guess you can say that we have spent a lot of time together and know each other well.She is a great girl, I am a happy guy! We are planning on getting married sometime in January and then coming to the States for a month or two as soon as we can get a visa. I know there are a handful of ladies back home that have been praying faithfully for me to get a wife for a long time now. Well, your prayers have been answered.
Thanks.Take care,Jake (and now Anya)

Sunday, November 06, 2005

A trip to Chernigov

This Sunday we drove up to Chernigov with a group from our Church. Jake had asked me to come and teach the Sunday morning bible study as he was going to be out of town so I thought it would be fun to bring some people from Kagarlyk to fellowship with the church in Chernigov. I think it was encouraging for the crew from Kagy and I hope that we were an encouragment to the Chernigov church.

After the service we went over to the house of one of the missionaries and had a big lunch with everyone who wanted to c
ome. It was really good to see the church there and see how much people have grown in the last couple years. We all enjoyed the fellowship.

Before heading home we went on a little tour of the city and took some pictures. Here we are in Chernigov's main park.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

This is soviet, be careful.

When you are waiting in line to board the plane you are about to jump out of it really isn't all that comforting to see someone do engine work on the plane. Welcome to Ukraine.

When we showed up (Chris Mahar, an old bible college buddy and myself) to go skydiving we should have known that it was going to be sketchy. It was. The veteran who fought in the Afghan war from the 80's gave us 3 hours of instruction. Us and 80 other lucky youngsters. He liked the fact that we were Yankees, he kept telling us how the USSR stuff was way better than NATO stuff. Yeah right.

We were using WWII era equipment that some guys had used fighting Germans. I liked to imagine that the Russian wearing my gear lived through the jump because I didn't think I was going to.

The plane looked like a tin can with some wings, it sounded like a popcorn machine falling through the sky.

I was the first one to jump and let's just say I was standing at the door of the plane for what seemed like an eternity waiting for the guy to hit me on the back and say "your gone!"

Once I fell out I was doing summersaults and flipping like a gymnast. My chute took and then peace, that is all I can say. From the tin can, guys yelling, falling, wind, freaking out, to total peace and quiet. I took a photo while in the air and then started thinking about how to land.

They said that you could control the chute, they weren't being all that truthful. You land wherever the wind wants you to land.

I forgot to disable my safety chute and had to land with two chute open, which made for difficulties. Once I hit the ground I was drug about 2 miles before being able to knock the wind out of my chutes.

Maybe this isn't all that missionary but I definitely learned a lot about the Soviet mind. I think my little trip outside of town to jump out of a plane taught me more about the USSR than all of the books I have ever read.

I highly recommend it. In the last 25 years no one has died.



What does that mean? It is Latin for "in the light".
Where did it come from? I searched through the Latin vulgate for a few hours looking for a cool sounding phrase.
Why? I needed a name for our newspaper. I wanted something strange to get peoples attention.

It has evolved a bit since then. Now it is the name of our Publishing house. After bellyaching for a few years that there are no good books in Russian I decided to try to get some printed up. After reading "the passion of Jesus Christ" by Piper I thought that it would be a good book to start off with.

Since then we secured rights to two other books by Piper through Crossway books - "God is the gospel" and "seeing and savoring Jesus Christ" should be in hand by Christmas.

I am convinced that this is something God really wants me to put effort into because I have been so blessed by reading quality books like those above and I know that He will bless others as well, namely, those that I don't know and will never meet on this little earth who live in Russia and Ukraine. Printing books will build their faith and further the kingdom of God.

I guess you can say that I love reading and have grown to love God more through reading. I highly recommend good Christian reading. It wasn't an accident that God spoke to mankind through a book and I know that it wasn't another accident that he appointed teachers in the church and books to be the means teachers equip!

I am shooting for 6 books in 06'. Lord willing it will happen.

Please pray that the Lord will provide the amount still needed to print 7,000 books next month.


my first post.


Here is an update I sent out a few days back on what is happening here in Chernigov. Hope it helps!

Hi folks,

We have started up our English club again and would appreciate your prayers. A handful of believers in our church have come to know the Lord through our previous club and I really believe that God wants to use this event again to make himself known. Pray that the unbelievers would see that knowing God and having a right relationship with him (as seen in us) is much better than life apart from him. I pray that we would be a powerful testimony of the goodness and value of following Christ.

Conor and Koren, who recently moved up to Chernigov to join the mission team, have had to take an unexpected emergency trip back to the states. Their little girl Emma was very sick and not getting better. Turns out she has Celiac disease, which means she can't eat anything with wheat in it. Thankfully, she is getting better now that they know what the problem is and they are planning on returning as soon as her health is restored. Pray for them to be strengthened by God and for the health of Emma.

The church is doing well. It seems that many have taken certain responsibilities upon themselves and we are functioning a lot more like a body. I am blessed and hope to see God give more direction and vision to the individuals in church. Pray for greater faith to go forward as a body in the purposes God has for us.

I am planning on taking a trip to St. Petersburg to the annual Christian Publishers book exhibition in early December. I really believe that God wants me to continue pursuing translating quality literature into Russian. We are working on two more books and hoping to have them in hand by the end of the year. I hope to shoot for 6 books in '06. Please pray for open doors, relationships to be built with others who are publishing here, and the Lord's guidance and provision.

I am currently writing new articles for our newspaper and hoping to have a larger print run with more material to reach the whole city this time. Pray that it would be an instrument of truth confronting the 300,000 people living in total ignorance of the things of God.

I personally am doing well and appreciate your prayers and support. I really believe that God wants to save many souls in Chernigov and would ask that you pray for a spiritual reformation to take place here.

Oh, that these people would regard God's name as holy and honor Jesus Christ as their Lord and savior! Pray for God's light to shine into the darkened hearts and that it would bring the spiritually blind to see and deaf to hear their maker calling them to come!


Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Autumn in Ukraine- an update from the Footes

Greetings from Ukraine!

It's been a beautiful fall this year here in Ukraine. The weather has been abnormally warm and sunny and we've been enjoying the fall colors.

Usually in these updates I just write about how we are doing and the things we are involved in, but I would like to give you a little bigger picture this time so that you can know what God is doing here in Kagarlyk.

This summer a small group from the church started visiting the children in the local hospital once a week. The hospital system here in Ukraine is quite different from the American hospital system. Here it is a place where you go to be treated for any sickness you have. If you have a bad cold you check into the hospital for a week. So in the hospital there are generally people with anything from bronchitis to the flu to kidney problems. And they just sit in the hospital doing nothing all day. It is a great time to share God's love, to pray for people, and visit bored and lonely kids. So the group of two or three ladies go each week and share about Jesus, bring the kids a snack, and color or read a Bible story with the kids. It is great to see the church going out to people with God's love.

There is a missionary here from New Zealand named Magdala. She, for the past year, has been teaching English classes for anyone in the city who wants to learn English. This fall she was joined by a young lady in the church who is finishing her teaching degree and together they are broadening their classes to teach ages 9 and up. They have kids, teenagers and adults come to the classes, some of them Christians from the church and the rest just people who want to learn to speak English. Through the lessons their goal is to build relationships with their students and show God's love and what it means to have a relationship with Him.

Over the past few years Calvary Chapel Kagarlyk has set up a computer lab and offered computer classes for kids who want to learn how to use computers (and some who just want to play computer games after the lesson). This fall some of the people who taught the classes have decided to be involved in different ministries, but there are still a couple of classes a week. The goal of this ministry is to be able to build relationships with kids, to have good wholesome environment where they can come and learn something useful as well as have fun, and to show them that God loves them.

Then there is the mushroom enterprise. What is the mushroom enterprise? It is a business enterprise of mushroom farming aimed at creating a Christian work environment for men (and women) to be able to make a living, provide for their families, and at the same time learn to live in God’s grace. The reason for such an endeavor is that it is nearly impossible to find good work in Kagarlyk; so men who are trying to provide for their families go to Kiev and work six days a week and spend the other day with their families. Or they simply just drink. Over the last month four new people began working at the mushroom farm, and one of them a lady named Natasha gave her life to God. The others have stopped drinking (a prerequisite for starting to work there) and are coming to church each week. There is a need for more workers as the enterprise expands, so please pray that God would bring people who are ready to respond to the Gospel, that they would come simply to find work and instead find eternal life! Also pray for the men who work there that they would be rooted and grounded in God, for those who have not yet given their lives to God that they receive His salvation.

Another ministry that started over the winter at our church is an aerobics ministry. Sounds funny, but there is a young lady who wants to stay fit so she invites teenage girls to come and do aerobics with her twice a week at the church. Lately there has been quite a few of them and it seems to be spiritually fruitful as they fellowship afterward.

We are praying right now about an opportunity to visit an all girls internaught (boarding school for orphans) that is in a nearby village. One of the ladies who is involved in children’s ministry wants to visit these girls so we are praying God would open the door. Please pray that if this is something that God has for the church here that He would give us favor with the director of the internaught and the teachers.

So there it is. I think I covered just about everything. There is also the worship ministry that Liese is helping lead, and I’m playing guitar in, weekly prayer meetings, women’s bible study, and youth group. But I think those will have to wait for another time. I just want to encourage you that God is working. As you pray for us, for the work here in Ukraine know that God is answering your prayers and that you are not alone. There are people all over the world who join in with you in prayer for Ukraine. God is answering those prayers and we are blessed to see those answers. Thank for your prayers, thank you for your support, may God bless you and keep you,
Daniel and Annaliese Foote

Sunday, October 09, 2005

God's Promise In Technicolor

Ok folks, check this out!

No tweeking here with the photo - this is how bright it really was and uch more too!!!

For more details and to see what I got to see the morning after click here...

Just a quick hi to you all from Chris and Jenn and the kids.

Keep reading the Word!

Found this 1776 Bible for $2.00.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Update from Kagarlyk [Ukraine]

Greetings from Ukraine!

Summer ended last week and the weather got cold, but the good news is that it warmed back up and is sunny and beautiful! Kids are back in school, vacations are over, and for most people here in Ukraine life is getting back into its routine.

Liese and I took a little vacation last week and went to visit friends in the cities of Nezhyn and Chernigov. We spent a couple days in each city and it was really good to spend more than just a few hours with our friends. It was also encouraging to see the churches in those places and how people are growing in the Lord.

A couple weeks ago I did my first sermon in Russian. Everyone who can translate had gone on vacation so I was left to fend for myself. Liese said it was good, but I don't know. I still need about 6 hours to prepare to teach in Russian on top of my study time, but I'm going to be trying more and more to make the time to do it. Also I'm going to be looking for a Russian tutor to help Liese and I step up to the next level of grammar.

Liese is still leading worship twice a month, and I'm helping out playing guitar once a month. I looked back over the summer and realized that I played guitar more Sundays than I didn't play, so I'm looking forward to being the "backup" guitar player again. On Saturday we are going to have kind of worship retreat day. Everyone in the church who is involved in worship is going to get together for prayer and bible study. We want it to be a time to seek God's direction for us as individuals on the worship team, for us as a team, and for us as a church as relates to worship. Please pray that it would be an encouraging time for us all, that God would speak to us and renew our zeal to worship Him in Spirit and in Truth.

Thank you for your prayers, and thank you for being a part of our ministry here in Ukraine. May God bless you and keep you,
Daniel and Annaliese Foote

Monday, August 15, 2005

pictures from Kagarlyk, Ukraine

Greetings from Kagarlyk! I put together a pdf file of pictures that I hope you all can view. I just wanted to give you an idea of how summer outreaches looked.

Liese and I have been enjoying getting back into daily life after all the craziness of summer outreaches. Liese continues to lead worship twice a month and because the worship team is a little short on guitar players I have been joining them a couple times a month playing guitar. It has been fun leading worship together with my wife. It is something we never thought we'd be doing as we are not the most gifted people musically.
This week we are helping a couple in our church prepare for their wedding which will be on the 20th. This is the time of year for weddings it seems, just last week we were in Priluki for a wedding of some of our friends there. It was really good to see all our Priluki friends. We are looking forward to the mellowness of fall, and seeking God as to what to do next. We are praying about starting a bible study for the men, or perhaps a home group. Also this fall we are going to try to find a Russian teacher to tutor us a little more as we try to make the step from speaking Russian to being fluent in Russian.
Our prayer needs are for continued strength and vision for the ministries we are involved in. Also for new vision for what else God would have us be doing as a couple and as a church. Please pray that we would find a language teacher. Thank you for all your prayers for us, prayer is a huge support for us. May God bless you and keep you,
Daniel and Annaliese Foote

Greetings from Edinburgh, Scotland

Greetings to all our friends at CalvarySLO and beyond. We are blessed to see the new blog - Thanks Pastor Bryan for connecting all of us!

We have been sowing the Word of God here in Scotland and trusting God to add to His church daily those who are being saved. We have been greatly encouraged by all the CalvarySLO missionaries as well the home group that has 'adpoted us' there at CCSLO. Thanks to you all for encouraging us to keep pressing on!

Getting the message of the everlasting Gospel to people in the United Kingdom,

Love in Christ,
Chris and Jenn Lawson
Scotland Missions

Spiritual Research Network - Edinburgh

Friday, August 12, 2005

An attempted Blog all the way from Octabraskaya 45

so we'll see if that photo came up. I think it necessary to attempt to put a picture up seeing as I am the only missionary in Ukraine with better than slow/disconnected-internet access. So this is blogging ... Alright well - Priluki is doing well - lots of changes are happening which is inevitable on the mission field but God is showing Himself faithful as always. One of the missionaries here had a vision during a prayer meeting a few months ago and it showed a green pasture that had a few trees and it was very beautiful - then came a great fire and everything was burned and charred. With time green began to spring forth and huge strong oak trees began to grow and these trees grew stronger and bigger than the ones that were there before. We are praying and trusting the Lord that He will bring forth strong oak trees amongst the Ukrainians here with whom and to whom we serve and minister. As trials and testing happens I have found much comfort and hope in His faithfulness believing that He will complete that which He has begun here in me and in the lives of the people around me. So that's my blog for now - Maybe you'll find it encouraging

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

news from Kagarlyk, Ukraine

Greetings! So much has happened since the last time I sent out an update that I'll just try to give you a brief picture of what has been happening here this last month. To start off we ("we" being the summer ministry team in the church here in Kagarlyk) did a series of family festivals in and around Kagarlyk. We had about 30-50 kids, many with their parents, come to each festival where we had bible stories, songs, games, skits, and "fun for the whole family". We were able to share the gospel with all who came, and because of the festival here in Kagarlyk a woman and her son have come to our church. We also did two soccer tournaments, one with anyone in the city who could get a team together and the other with the villages surrounding Kagarlyk. Both times we had 6 teams come and they all had a great time and were very glad that there was someone organizing soccer events because they all just love to play. We were able to build relationships with many of the guys and plant seeds of the gospel. Because our church building is in the center of the city with a small park in the front of it we decided to do a couple of street concerts. We had a few problems getting bands to come, but it all worked out okay. A group from Chernigov came down and played music and shared what God had done in their lives. It was encouraging for our church and for theirs, and people came and heard the gospel as well as music.
Team from AZ
An outreach team from Phoenix, Arizona came out for a couple of weeks and the helped us with the festivals, played soccer a tournament, and played music for the second street concert that we put on. We also spent a lot of time on the streets in the evenings inviting people to come to the different events we were planning and sharing the gospel. Although there was little response from people, just being out on the streets with the gospel and shining God's light is something we as a church feel we should be doing. God will bring the fruit in His time.
Vacation Bible School
This last week we had a vacation bible school type thing at our church. The children's ministry leaders planned it all, the summer ministry team did all the work, and I found that I was almost not needed. It was wonderful to not be needed. They all did a wonderful job of everything, learned a lot about ministry, about team work, and the best was they got to see God reach kids and parents with His love. Between 30 and 50 kids showed up each day and throughout the course of the week most of them prayed to ask Jesus to forgive their sins. The last day of camp we had a talent show for their parents to come to and about 20 parents came. We were able to share the gospel with them and they got to see what their kids learned about God's love. So that is a small glimpse of what has been going on. I hope to get some pictures together this next week and make them e-mailable so that you can see a little better what God has been doing.
Thank you for your prayers this last month, God is certainly answering them and will continue to answer. I'm sure that we will continue to see the fruit of all that was done for some time to come. Thank you for being a part of the work here in Ukraine through prayer. May God bless you and keep you, Daniel and Annaliese Foote

Monday, August 08, 2005

Down Under

Scott and Jebraun were some of the very first people to ever walk into our home shortly after we moved to SLO to plant the church. Scott was a Cal Poly rugby player who had just barely come to know the redeeming work of Christ. Scott was also some what of a local legend on the Central Coast especially at some of the more low profile surf spots. Scott carved out his reputation by being the "i'll paddle around you on the inside and drop in, and call you off of MY wave" surfer. Anyways, where was I......oh yea, Scott got saved! Over the past few years the Lord has called Scott and Jebraun to a young and thriving church they planted in New Zealand. - B

::Recent Happenings:
Haere Mai (Welcome)! It’s been a rather busy month in the Bay of Plenty. We have seen a few exciting things happen, including a three folks getting baptized and the addition of some Women’s Bible studies in the region. We have been struggling to define the role we are playing in God’s work here (not that it’s particularly important), but it would seem we have come up with a label: Circuit Preachers. We have been thoroughly enjoying going between Taupo, Rotorua & Tauranaga encouraging the groups there and enjoying the brethren. It has been a stretching yet strengthened season for us.

::In the News:
Rotorua's Own Clone Warrior!
Temuera Morrison has gained international recognition in the recent Star Wars films as Jango Fett the father of Boba Fett and the Imperial Clone Army. But this mild-mannered outdoorsman is just a Rotorua boy at heart…

British Lions Tamed in NZ!
After all the hoopla and fan-fare the British and Irish Lions have left NZ after their dismal attempt to “educate” down-home Kiwis in the art of Northern Hemisphere rugby. After losing the test series 3 games to nil, they head back to Blighty, like the Cowardly Lion of Oz, with their tails between their legs…

::Praise Reports:
☼ Seeing people baptized is always a blessing. It was great to see about 30 members of Ryan’s family attend the ocean “immersion”. Katherine and Amanda were good sports about the freezing water temp, too!

☼ The Lord provides!

::Prayer Requests:
● About a week after their baptism Ryan and Katherine, as well as Katherine’s mum Patricia, were involved in a car accident. They were rear ended by a driver traveling at about 70kph. They are soar but safe. Kathrine is still suffering from a sprained neck.

● We continue to have technical problems with our FM radio transmitter in Rotorua (Taupo is running fine). A technician was scheduled to come and take a look at it and came down with his “worst cold in 10 years”. Please pray for the Lord’s will to be done with this in His strength.

::Contact details:
We’d love to hear from you and please note our current contact details –
Scott & Jebraun Clifford
Calvary Chapel Rotorua
1218 Hinemoa Street, Rotorua, NZ 3201
(international dialing from US: 011 64) 7 348 9398
Scott’s mobile: 021 115 0162
Visit Calvary Chapel Rotorua's webpage

NZ supporters: The National Bank account #: 060287 0575337 01 (account name: Calvary Chapel Rotorua)
US & other supporters: Shepherd’s Staff – PO Box 27220, Albuquerque, NM 87125-7220 (account #: 3002)

The meditation of our heart:
Psalm 147:10 He delights not in the strength of the horse:
He takes not pleasure in the legs of a man. :11 The LORD takes
pleasure in them that fear him, in those that hope in His mercy.

"We are not uncertain of God, but uncertain of what He is going to do next."
- Oswald Chambers

Absolutely His,
scott & jebraun clifford

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Latest on Ukraine!

Continuing the 2005 series of interviews with pastors from various Calvary Chapels around Europe, Calvary News Network has put several questions to Pastor Paul Sisemore of CC Priluki. Answering from the Eastern European frontline, Pastor Paul shares about how God called him into the ministry, about how that call has remained absolutely foundational, and about the “Book of Acts scenarios” which the church is going through in Ukraine right now.

What is God doing in, through, and around CC Priluki these days?
The church continues to have new visitors each and every week. In addition to this, we have had many “Christmas Teas”. We work in many orphanage homes as well as children’s homes for invalids and we also help out in schools. We invite the teachers to come in order to say thank you for their service to the community and also to bless them with a holiday, small party, and a gift. We often have the entire staff show up. During these times we also share about how the Lord has changed our lives. Different men and women from our fellowship share during these times.

What are some of the church needs that CC Priluki is lifting up to God in prayer right now?
At this time we are transferring much of the government of the church over to nationals. God has blessed us with many capable men who serve along side of me. This is also happening in the women’s ministry as well. We are rich beyond belief in this area. Pray that God would gift, empower, and lead these men and women as they assume more of the burden and responsibility for daily ministries. Also, we have a Bible College that will be starting in March for Ukrainians. We have a great opportunity to help train yet another group of pastors in Calvary Chapel as well as in some of the other churches here in Priluki. Our relationship with other pastors in the city is very good and many desire further training.

Ukraine went through a turbulent period in connection with the presidential election in late 2004, with the opposition's candidate being poisoned and revolution-like demonstrations in large parts of the country. Has the dubbed “Orange revolution” had any form of effect on the ministry opportunities in Ukraine?
The open door in Ukraine to minister has been open and continues to stay open. However, due to the election, many came together putting away differences and began to pray for Ukraine and the president. Each morning thousands gathered in the center of Kiev to pray and if I may say, that was the most astounding part of the “orange revolution”. Several people from our fellowship went to be a part of this and brought back glowing reports. As we have been praying for an outpouring of God’s Holy Spirit upon Ukraine and real revival, we think perhaps this is the beginning! People are ready to hear! I have never lived in a place so open and I have ministered in the USA, Mexico, Russia, and Ukraine. I feel as if I am living in the Book of Acts......

the story goes on read more of this interview at :
or contact Paul and Teri

on a mission!

attn! calvaryslo missions blog is official. Check back frequently on this site for updated real life stories, deep thoughts (especially from people like ea), poetry, songs, pics from real life missonaries all around the world connected through the sending and supporting of calvaryslo:church.