Sunday, November 20, 2005

Jakes big news!

Hi folks, just wanted to let you all know that I am getting married. Anya has been one of my best friends for over 5 years now and it just so happened that we fell in love. I met her on my first trip to Ukraine back in 99 back when I spent a summer here. She of course didn’t want anything to do with me back then, I was a loud American teenager. After I returned to Ukraine in 2000 Anya became a good friend as she would come out on the weekends to Priluki to help out in the church (she is a great translator, speaks better English than I do). Then she moved to Priluki after finishing school and not too long after we moved to Chernigov together with a few others. So, I guess you can say that we have spent a lot of time together and know each other well.She is a great girl, I am a happy guy! We are planning on getting married sometime in January and then coming to the States for a month or two as soon as we can get a visa. I know there are a handful of ladies back home that have been praying faithfully for me to get a wife for a long time now. Well, your prayers have been answered.
Thanks.Take care,Jake (and now Anya)

1 comment:

James said...

Congrats Jake - way to go! See you in a few weeks at the church...