Sunday, January 07, 2007

Pécs, Hungary Missions Update

Our Family

As we were scheduling Balázs’ yearly cancer check, we were reminded of why we named our daughter Joelle. At last year’s exam, we were told by two doctors that we would be unable to have children but, as our daughters name demonstrates, “the Lord is willing.” Despite situations and circumstances, our Father moves to demonstrate His willingness to bless His children for His glory! Not only does He forgive, heal, restore, discipline, guide and strengthen us, He pours out such amazing blessings because He is willing. We enjoyed a quiet Christmas with just the three of us, eating way too many traditional Hungarian Christmas treats that people blessed us with. Balázs’ mom, step-dad, and younger brother came to visit after Christmas and we all enjoyed spending time together.

Ellie is doing well. She’s still battling a little cold, but her jaundice has cleared up. She loves to eat, and in just four weeks, she gained over three pounds and now weighs around nine. She certainly is a lot chunkier than the tiny little girl she emerged as, but she is amazingly cute with all that baby fat.


Despite the new challenges of balancing ministry with family, the Lord continued to work despite us. After being in Pécs for just over 7 months the Lord reminded us of and clarified for us the vision He has given to us for ministry. Both of us have known that the Lord wanted to use us for a purpose, and He showed us that it is to lead people to Himself for healing and restoration. Coming together, the Lord has given us clear vision that He wants us to continue in this ministry of restoration and healing and is opening opportunities for that in the things we do here in Hungary. Clear teaching of the Word to the college group allows healing for many of these students who have experienced hurts from false teachings. Working with prisoners truly allows captives to be set free. Taking foster kids into a home and showing them Christ’s love allows healing unlike any other. Balázs’ gift of music continues to be used to bring people to Jesus, the only one who can heal and restore. It has been a great time of reflection and clarification that the Lord has given to us this past month. We look forward to how He continues to work this out in our lives.

The Lord did some unexpected things this month with respect to the foster care and prison ministries. Balázs met with the minister in charge of the prison ministries here in Pécs who was skeptical of our church but not long into their conversation said, “you guys are our brothers.” He is excited to work with us and has passed along the paperwork to the warden of the prison. Shortly after this, a man whom Balázs met at the job center called him and gave him the number of the person in charge of the prisons in this city who was excited to have our help. There may be other opportunities such as teaching English, music, etc. Balázs will be meeting with her in a couple of weeks. Please pray for our relationships with these people and for the Lord to open doors and direct us as He wants in this area.

Also this month, Balázs was contacted by a person who has a similar heart and vision for foster children in this country. He was asked to be on a board for a new foundation that is developing to help these kids in this country. We are unsure of what role this foundation will take in our foster program but are excited for the similar hearts and work of fellow saints. Please pray for this relationship and for our mutual support of one another as we work toward reaching these kids through loving families. The college group chose not to take a break despite the holidays and final exams, and we have been shocked at these students’ dedication to and hunger for the Word. Please pray that more students would come to the prayer meetings as we feel it is critical to spend time in prayer before taking these students out who are eager to evangelize.

The pastor is away for some weeks, and Balázs will be teaching the Sunday service for a couple weeks. Please pray that God would speak through Him to build up His body. He also continues to lead worship and is challenged weekly in bringing people before a holy God in worship. Please pray that the Lord would move in this church to become true worshippers of the Lord. At the Catholic school where Balázs teaches, there is conflict with the Bishop in charge and the teachers at the school. Please pray that God would work to resolve this and love for Him would reign in the hearts of all involved.

Prayer Requests

- That we would follow Jesus and obey Him at all costs individually and as a couple.

- Our marriage to continue to grow in the Lord’s love. Balancing family, ministry, and working.

-Wisdom with our little girl, filtering all of the advice we are given. Health for Ellie, God to heal her cold. The Lord’s provision for all we need. Guidance and provision for a home to raise foster children in.

-The city of Pécs to become overwhelmed with the presence of God in the lives of believers here and for people to be hungry to know the Lord. The students we are sharing the gospel with at the

universities to believe in the truth and be freed from lies.

-For our neighbors, doctors, and others we have regular contact with to see Jesus in our lives and His love for them.

- The church body to grow in their depth of love for the Lord. To love new people that are coming. For the church to increase in their commitment to the Lord and His Word. For a new place to meet. Wisdom and protection for the pastor. For Zoli to accept Jesus, for Victoria to return to church.

- For current ministries. For Balazs to be faithful in preparing for teachings and worship, for the Spirit to lead these times completely. For Leah to learn the new balance of taking care of the family and doing ministry. For continued opportunities of discipleship and language study.

- For upcoming ministries. For the paper work to be processed quickly for the prison work

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