Thursday, March 15, 2007

Chris Zurbach's March update from Ukraine!


Alright – Wow this month really flew by. Thank you so much for praying for me as we did a lot of traveling this past month to various churches. God really blessed our times in the small town of Rjischiv where Reenie and I were able to go down and spend time with the ladies at their monthly gathering. It was really encouraging to see what God is doing in the ministry there and be able to share with them about being content, as that was the topic assigned to me by Cheryl, one of the missionaries down there.

So that was fun, and then we were off to Priluki later in the week to visit the church down there. We were there at the mid-week service and brought down a van-load of people where we led worship and then Jake taught from Isaiah 55. It was such a blessing to take people from our church here down there to fellowship with the church and just have fun. They are such a hospitable church and so loving. So I actually was down there again this past weekend to spend time with all the young pregnant first-time mom’s. I am so thankful that we are close enough where I am able to hop on some public transport and be there in 3 hours.

Anyways – Please continue praying for our young gals up here as we continue to meet every Friday this month to discuss various topics and see what the Bible says about these issues. It has been a lot of fun and challenging. One of the teachers came from the school that we visit and really enjoyed it. We also celebrated the 8th of March which is International Women’s Day. It is probably the second biggest holiday here in Ukraine, second only to New Year’s. The guys rented a Russian “Banya” for us, also know as a sauna (but different then your perception of a sauna), and we spent the morning sweating in 130 degree Celsius heat then jumping into cold water.

Do it about 5 times and woo…you feel like a new person. It was quite the experience for me but a lot of fun. Later we gathered at Jake and Anya’s to hang out.

Please pray as we continue going to one of the schools to teach English and share Bible stories, that the kids would come to know the Lord and have fun. They freak out every week when we come so I’m pretty positive they’re having fun. We have permission to show, “Miracle Maker” the week before Easter so please pray that that would go through without any hindrances. We will also be showing that film in the children’s mental hospital, internaught’s, and in a theatre. So you can pray for that.

“Krepost” Kid’s Club – We’re planning a special “Krepost” Kid’s Club the day before Easter so we’re praying that many parents will come and have a good time with their kids and see God’s love through what we do at “Krepost”. Pray that we would plan and prepare well for that and that God would give us wisdom as we plan for summer.

We are also looking to start reaching out to college kids that live in the dorms here through multi-media. There are a few college students in the church that really want to start something so pray that God would provide in renting a space for that.

So that’s a brief update on a few things. Please take note that my email changed to Sorry for that but just had to. Hope you are all doing well. Thank you so much for everything.


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