Monday, April 02, 2007

Update from the Footes

Hello everyone!

We've been in Kagarlyk for a little more than a month now and are back into the swing of things. We've been leading worship together which has been nice. I've been teaching every other Sunday which has been a little rough after being out of practice speaking Russian.

After we got back from America we started looking for a car to buy and finally a couple weeks ago we found one. In what seemed like a whirlwind. We bought it and got all the papers and documents done in about a week. That alone is a small miracle but the fact that we have a car now is a huge miracle. God answered our prayers that we had been praying for about a year now because we would like to be more mobile and be able to visit the churches in Priluki, Nezhyn, Chernigov, and others more often. (we posted pictures on our blog: )

Next week is Easter and this year it falls on the same day as the West celebrates it - April 8th. Easter in Ukraine is the one time of year when almost everyone is in some way or other thinking about Jesus Christ. They greet each other all week after Easter with "Christ is risen - Truly He is risen". Our prayer is always that God would use this time to turn people's hearts to Him and that they would understand the meaning of their Easter greeting. Please join us in prayer for the lost in Ukraine this Easter.

Last year we tried to print up an Easter letter and then mail it to every house in Kagarlyk. The first part went well, but the mailing part fell victim to the soviet work ethic; therefore not very many people actually received the letters. So this year we decided to write a small article about Easter and its meaning (the death and resurrection of Christ so that we could be forgiven of our sins and receive eternal life) and buy an ad space in the local paper for it. I've been going around to the other churches in Kagarlyk asking them if they would like to be mentioned at the end of the article as a place where people can come and learn more about Jesus. So far all of them have said yes. Our prayer for this article is that people would read it and be drawn by the Holy Spirit to come to church and find out more about the life Jesus offers, and that they would see the believers of the city united behind the resurrection of our Lord and not divided over small doctrinal differences. Again, please join us in prayer for these things.

Soon we will begin to plan our summer outreaches so please pray that God would lead us as we plan and that this summer more people would know the love of their Creator. Please also keep us in your prayers that God would give us wisdom and strength as we serve, that He would protect us and guide us, and that He would use us to further His kingdom here in Ukraine.

Daniel and Annaliese Foote

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