Wednesday, May 16, 2007

News from Kagarlyk

Hi everyone!

Sorry it's been a while since the last update. I've been updating our blog regularly and I've forgotten to send out e-mail updates.

So here is what has been going on here in Kagy and what we are planning.

Liese and I are still leading worship, I play guitar once a month or so and Liese leads once a month and sings every other week. In a few weeks pastor Wayne and Olya are going to Australia for two months and while they are gone Liese will be leading the worship ministry.

I'm still preaching every other Sunday and right now we are going through the gospel of Luke. I've also been teaching a series of bible studies about the church on Sunday nights. Last fall we started meeting every other Sunday night for fellowship and to talk about the church's vision. After a few months we thought it would be good to have a more in-depth study of what a church is and so I've been teaching those. Please pray for me as Wayne is in Australia this summer because I'll be teaching a lot. Also pray for my Russian - it seems I've been taking steps backward for a couple months now and I'm going to try to start taking lessons again. Oh, and I'm going to start a bible study this summer with a couple young men in the church to study the foundations of our faith.

We (those in our church who want to be part of our summer ministry team) have started to plan what outreaches we will do this summer. It seems like this year we have less time, less people, and less money than in other years so we are praying about how to best focus what we have. Last year's outreaches were really great and everyone who was involved has seen that the fruit that has remained from those events has been in the friendships that were built. So this year we are praying about how to encourage more relationship building and how we can go out to people instead of just inviting them to come to us. We are praying about how to combine the good things that we've done in the past with more personal outreach and it looks like we may do a lot less this year in terms of events but try to be more active in getting to know people as we play soccer, hang out at the popular hangouts, do vacation bible schools, and invite people to youth group and church. Please keep us in prayer that God would lead us.

Since getting our car we've been able to make a trip to Priluki to visit the church there. It was great to see everyone and I got to teach at their Thursday night service. We hope to go out to Priluki about once a month if we can swing it. We have also been up to visit our missionary friends in Chernigov.

This weekend is a conference for all the Calvary Chapels in Ukraine. It is always a good time to see people from other churches that we don't get to see very often and everyone is always encouraged by the fellowship.

That's what is going on with us. Check out our blog for pictures and more on what we have been doing.

Thank you for your prayers and I'll try to send out these updates more often,

Daniel and Annaliese Foote

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