Sunday, November 04, 2007

Update from Balázs, Leah, & Ellie Stanzel

We have another update from Leah and Balázs! Here it is:

Our Family
Ellie is continuing to amaze us! She began walking this past month and says a couple more words (she now says baba, mama, dada,and bow whenever she sees or hear a dog). She understands and responds to both languages. She loves to dance and does so whenever a phone rings or she
hears any music. Balázs has been feeling for some time the desire to study more and be more equipped for the teaching and leading of the church. With the help of Leah's brother, we found a seminary type program he can do on-line for free! We are very excited about this. Please pray that the Lord would give him time to be faithful in studying and that he would be taught by the Lord through these courses.

Please pray for our upcoming trip to the states. We are coming to California on November 28th and will be there through most of December. Please pray for our travel (connections to be made, travelling with Ellie, health before the flights). We would love to see as many of you as possible; please let us know when you are available.

This month began with a team from the bible college coming for a weekend outreach. On Friday night, we had a fellowship time with games, sharing, and of course lots of food. Saturday, the guys went to do some construction work at the church building we rent and the girls helped Leah make Hungarian bean soup for 50 people. Our house may never be the same again after that event! On Sunday, we had the church monthly potluck after the service and enjoyed a wonderful time of fellowship together. It was a great team and a great weekend!

Balázs changed the format of the college group on Wednesday nights. He now gives the students
"homework" so that they come prepared to study the text in more of a question and answer-type format. In just the few weeks since this began, we have seen a huge amount of excitement for God's Word and participation from the students. Please pray that they would grow in their depth with the Lord and with the Word. Please also pray for Géza, one of the elders who will be leading this group while we are away.

Balázs has been meeting these past weeks with the member of the worship team to study what the scriptures say about what God's design is for worship individually and collectively. Balázs has been transformed by the preparation and teaching of this topic. Please pray for him as he learns and teaches and for the teaching to have an effect on the worship in the church.
We continued with the pre-marital counseling with the couples in our church but have decided to postpone further counseling until closer to both wedding dates. Please pray for these young couples to grow together with God at the center during their time of engagements.

Balázs is continuing to teach through the book of Acts on Sunday mornings. We are very excited
with the topics that the Lord is bringing forth through His Word to this Church to see how the church will grow and respond as a result. Please pray for these teaching to be Spirit-led and for one of the elders Tamas as he teaches while we are away.

The women's ministry continues to meet monthly for studies as well as throughout the month in the various small discipleship groups. We have seen a great deal of fruit in just the couple of months since this began. Last month's teaching by one of the elder's wives was a great reminder to the ladies about quiet times with the Lord and ministry within the body. Leah began meeting with the girls from her small group individually to disciple these women. Please pray for Leah as she teaches on faith this month and as she and the other leaders reach out and disciple the

Balázs also changed the format at the prison this past month and saw great improvements among the guys. He now teaches for a shorter time to the large group and then goes to an office to individually meet with some of the guys. In the very first week he saw a much greater receptivity to the teaching. He also began the gospel of John with the guys as he saw they lack knowledge of sin and remorse over sin and thus grace and forgiveness seem worthless to them. Please pray for Bibles for the inmates, for Balázs as he teaches the gospel, and as he meets with the guys individually.

Balazs also continues to teach at the Catholic school through the bible to a young boy. Please pray for his faithfulness in this and clarity for the teachings.

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