Friday, June 29, 2007

June update from Leah and Belazs

Our Family
We have had a great time this month as it is summer and that means lots of hiking, free concerts in the city, bar-b-ques, and swimming! As a family, we were definitely made for the outdoors and God has blessed us beyond measure with the city He has called us to. We love it here! Ellie is seriously on the move now…crawling everywhere, getting into everything, she is even standing up on things and taking steps! She loves to eat and gets very upset if someone is eating food in front of her and won’t share. Swimming is by far her favorite activity, in the lake or at the pool, she was definitely made for the water.

Praise the Lord and thank you for your prayers for Balázs’ sister and sister in law. They are both past the first half of their pregnancies and both babies are doing well. Both girls are off of bed rest but are still not allowed to work. The Lord is faithful indeed. Please continue to pray for them and the babies. Also, we will be celebrating our 2 year anniversary at the end of this month.

The Lord is continuously showing us and defining for us the new roles we are in…it is good and
challenging at the same time. We are almost daily realizing how absolutely unable we are to do this ministry but we are at the same time encouraged that God is able and He gives us strength, wisdom and help as we need. Please pray for us to cling to Him for all we need each day.

This past month has been defined by nearly daily meeting with different people from the college group or the church. It is cool to see how God is using these times of discipleship to minister to the individual needs and questions of our body. Please pray that we would have discernment, wisdom, and offer the Word as the answer for all to stand upon and hold to.

The college group is doing well, even though many have left for the summer, many remain and we are continuing to study David’s life, now in 2 Samuel. During the final exam period we had the students over for a “study break” with brownie sundaes and we watched End of the Spear, the movie about the Indian tribe in Ecuador where 5 missionaries were killed some years ago. It was a great film and a great night.

Please pray for the students who have gone home for the summer, most to unbelieving families, that they would be remain close to the Lord and shine His love to their families and friends at home.

Balázs is weekly ministering in a youth prison and teaching the Word to the boys there. He is having a great time but is very burdened for these boys, as apart from placing their trust in Jesus their lives truly have no hope. Please pray for these boys salvation, their futures and for Balázs as he needs wisdom and love to reach these youth. Also, please pray for the church to be involved with the boys through prayer.

We attended the Eastern European Mission’s conference this past week and were beyond blessed by our time there. The teachings were great, with the theme of “We would see Jesus.” Personally, we were reminded of the centrality of love to the gospel and to our lives as believers. We were challenged to abide in Jesus as many of the speakers referred to John 15:5 where Jesus reminds us that without Him we can do nothing. The fellowship with friends from many Eastern European countries was also a great joy for us. Overall, we left feeling refreshed and encouraged.

Upcoming month
This month is the Southern Hungary conference for all of the Calvary Chapels in Southern Hungary. Balázs is responsible for coordinating all of the worship. Please pray for him to have wisdom and to be able to organize this before next week. Balázs was asked to speak at Hungary’s university ministry’s (similar to Campus Crusade) summer conference. Please pray that the Lord would give him a clear message to share.

Check out our blog for current updates, prayer requests, and pictures…

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