Tuesday, July 03, 2007

News from Kagarlyk

Hi everyone!

Summer is in full swing here in Ukraine with the thunderstorms, humidity, heat, bugs, and bright wonderful sunshine. This summer is different though because it is not packed crazy full of a million things to do. It is kind of weird.

I've been spending a lot of time studying and meeting with people these last few weeks. With Wayne in Australia I teach each Sunday and we've been having bible studies/discussions every other Sunday evening. We've been going through the Gospel of Luke on Sunday mornings and talking about what a church is and does in the evenings.

Liese has been leading worship quite a bit, but it's been easier now that she is in a support role as others are able to lead.

This weekend (6th-8th) there will be a Franklin Graham festival in Kiev. They have been planning it for three years and it will be huge. A group from our church is going to help in whatever way they can, and the youtha group is going to go on Saturday. Please join with us and Christians all over Ukraine in praying that God would use this event to draw many to Himself.

Next week just about all the young people in our church are going to "Camp 120" a Christian camp on an island in the Dnipro river. It is a 5 day camp hosted by some missionaries in the town of Rzhyshchiv which is about 10 miles away from us. This is the third year they've been doing it and it has been a great thing for the youth. The youth group decided that the camp would be a good thing to invite their friends to, so out of about 30 people that are going to the camp from Kagarlyk 17 don't come to church. We are praying that at the camp they see more than just a bunch of Christians having fun - that they see Jesus alive in each person.

In a couple days we are going to take a trip up to Chernigov to visit the missionaries up there. While there I hope to spend some time with Jake Knotts talking about book publishing and possibilities for producing short Christian videos for TV.

That's the news from Kagarlyk, Ukraine. Hope you all have a great Independence Day,

Daniel and Annaliese Foote

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